Air Izhavia check-in

What is the check-in deadline for Izhavia flights?

Check-in   for Izhavia   flights starts   2 hours before  the scheduled departure   time. The check-in deadline is 50 minutes before the scheduled departure time. Passengers who are late for check-in will be denied carriage on that flight.

Can I check in online for Izhavia flights?

Izhavia offers Web Check-in from 24 hours up to 3 hours prior to departure. Web Check-in is available for all Izhavia regular flights.

You can use Web Check-in if you have an electronic ticket, you are traveling without animals, and you do not need additional services (such as special assistance, Unaccompanied Minor service, etc.).

If you have no baggage at all, you do not need to stop by the check-in desk at the airport of departure. All baggage is subject to mandatory registration, so passengers with checked baggage and/or hand baggage will not be allowed to fly unless baggage is presented for registration at the check-in desk no later than 50 minutes before departure.

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