Air Caraibes check-in

Is Web Check-In available for Air Caraibes flights?

For passengers with an e-ticket, Air Caraibes offers Online Check-in available from 48 hours:

  • Up to 90 minutes before departure – for transatlantic flights.
  • Up to 60 minutes before the departure – for regional flights.

When you check in online for a flight from Paris Orly, you can also print your baggage tags (A4 format) to be used with the reusable label holder provided by Air Caraibes staff at luggage drop-off.

If you travel with only hand baggage, you can proceed directly through Security to the departure gate. If you have checked baggage, you must check it in at the counter before the check-in deadline. You must arrive at least 30 minutes before the check-in deadline, as beyond this time, seat reservations will be canceled.

What is the check-in deadline for Air Caraibes flights?

Air Caraibes check-in counters open 4 hours before the scheduled departure time for international flights. For regional flights, check-in counters open 2 hours – 1 hour and 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time. The check-in deadlines for Air Caraibes flights are:

  • 1 hour and 30 minutes before departure – for transatlantic flights
  • 1 hour before departure – for regional flights.

You must arrive at least 30 minutes before the check-in deadline otherwise seat reservations will be canceled.

Boarding starts 90 minutes before the departure time. Failure to present yourself at the boarding gate at least 30 minutes before departure may result in your seat being canceled and reassigned.

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