TAAG Angola Airlines check-in

Does TAAG Angola Airlines offer Online Check-in?

Online Check-in for TAAG Angola Airlines flights is available:

  • From 24 hours up to 60 minutes before departure for domestic flights.
  • From 36 hours up to 90 minutes before departure for international flights.
  • For passengers with electronic tickets and confirmed reservations.
  • For all flights departing from Luanda (domestic, regional, and international).
  • For flights departing from Beijing, Cabinda, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Lubango, Ondjiva, Rio de Janeiro, and Sao Paulo.

Passengers who have checked in online and traveling with baggage may proceed to the First Class counter (or Executive Class counter if First Class counter not available). Baggage should be checked in at least 90 minutes before departure.

How early should I go to the airport?

Given all the departure procedures, arrival at the airport at least 2 hours before departure is recommended. Counter check-in for TAAG Angola Airlines opens 4 hours before flight departure.

Check-in must be done at least 90 minutes before flight departure. Kiosk Check-in is available at airports in Cape Town, Lisbon, Porto, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo.

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